Tourist and Helpful Info

INTERNETWe have a few ciber cafes where you can rent and use a computer with internet acess for just $10-15 pesos per hour. They also have printers if you need to print anything.

All long-distance buses leave from the Central Bus Terminal, located in the main road Av. Veracruz where you will find ETN, PRIMERA PLUS. You have to purchase tickets directly in their offices and sometimes get a discount. If you need to get to the Airport to Guadalajara ETN is the best selection since they leave you right outside the airport.
Taxi fares change frequently, helping to confuse both drivers and users. In most cases, the taxi driver will quote the right fare;however, it's a good idea to ask how much the ride will cost you before you get in the cab. You may also want to ask your hotel or people in town what it should cost you  to go to a particular destination. Another important thing to remember when riding a cab is to make sure you have the exact change for the fare, since it is very common to find that your driver doesn't have enough money on hand to make change.
Riding a bus can be a thrilling experience. It is an inexpensive way to get around town. Keep in mind that, depending on the hour of day, buses can get very crowded and the ride can be little less than comfortable. On the other hand, riding a bus can turn out to be very interesting, complete with en route entertainment provided by impromptu singers who will belt out a couple songs hoping to get a few pesos tip. So if busing is for you .. relax and enjoy the ride ! Buses make circuits around town.
The blue piece of paper you are given when you enter the country is your Tourist Card. This is very important document and you must be careful not to lose it. Keep it in a safe place until you leave, along with your passport and any other necessary documentation for travel. IF you lose it, contact your consulate and the Mexican Immigration office immediately !

Get In Touch

Sara Rivera Pérez

Mobile: (315) 1078561

Phone: (315) 355 8613


Office Info

MLS Realtor1

Av. Veracruz # 273-A  Col. Centro Barra de Navidad,  Jal.  48987 

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